When you try to achieve something, whether it’s getting fit, doing better in school, or reaching any goal, you’ll face challenges. Sometimes, you might not even know what the problem is, or you might be unsure how to fix it. That’s when you feel stuck.
In fitness, people often get stuck for different reasons, such as:
What we’ve seen at Fit Street, after working with hundreds of people, is that most of the time the problem isn’t about knowing what to do. The real problem is getting yourself to do it. You may have a good idea of what you should be doing, but sometimes you just don’t take action.
Even if you’re not sure if you’re making the right move, taking small steps is better than doing nothing. Every action, even a small one, will move you closer to your goal.
When you start doing something, you’ll begin to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Taking action will give you the clues you need to decide your next move. Even small steps help you see a clearer path ahead.
But what if you really don’t know what to do next? That’s when you need to ask for help. Sometimes, the best way to get moving again is to learn from someone who has more experience.
In our 1-on-1 Coaching Program, we help people find what’s holding them back. Whether you’re struggling with your workouts, food choices, or have hit a plateau, we can guide you to the right next steps. We know how to help you move past any obstacle.
But remember, no matter how much advice or coaching you get, you still have to do the work!
If you feel stuck, ask yourself this question: “Do I know what to do, and I’m just not doing it?” If you do know what to do, start with small actions and build from there. If you don’t know what to do, then it’s time to ask for help.
Either way, the answer is to take action. Keep moving forward, and you’ll get unstuck and closer to your fitness goals.